Etch-Free Guarantee

St Mary’s Bay Noise Walls

GSL Glassguard provides an Etch-Free Guarantee under which we take ownership of the etching vandalism to glazing. This service takes all the hassle away from the property manager or owner and provides certainty of cost.

  • We guarantee to keep the property free of etching vandalism for a yearly fee.
  • The etching vandalism will be removed within 48 hours and there is no limit to the number of etching attacks we will remove.
  • Etch-Free Guarantees are customised to your needs.

Call us to discuss your requirements.

Etch-Free Guarantee
  • totika img - Etch-Free Guarantee
  • telarc 14001 logo - Etch-Free Guarantee
  • telarc 9001 logo - Etch-Free Guarantee
  • telarc 45001 logo - Etch-Free Guarantee
  • sitewise gold - Etch-Free Guarantee